You know that feeling you get when you're just overwhelmed by grief, anxiety, and despair? I have that feeling right now...

After getting the superpack from Singtall, I'm now facing the reality that I'll have to go back and re-record the guitar parts for all of my recent tracks. This superpack literally changes my view of the Eleven Rack entirely. With that said, I can't even listen to my recent work without being disgusted... utterly disgusted.

So, the title is a little misleading, because I really don't hate Singtall, but I hate that he opened the door to a different sound that is exponentially better than what I was working with. Okay, I don't hate that either. But, I do loathe the idea of spending hours upon hours reworking old material.

Singtall, thank you for making my 11R useful. It was slowly becoming an over sized paper weight. I actually joined this board hoping that something, anything, could change my mind about the 11R. I was at my wits end. You did an amazing job crafting these presets. I thought I'd find one, maybe two, that I would be able to work with. I haven't found one yet that I wouldn't use. Again, thank you.
