Hey guys, so I've finally got my 11r rigged up with my amp and it's sounding incredible.
4CM with my Engl Screamer combo. Just wondered if anyone had tried what I'm proposing to do..........
I'm running the 11R as an FX unit only using the amp as my preamp and power amp/cab obviously, with the Rig Out No Cab setting, and all is quite quite fearsome.
I'd like a bit of a fuller broader sound and wondered about the possibilities of a Wet/Dry set up.
I have zero funds to throw at this, but I do have the option of a FRFR powered wedge monitor to use on permanent loan from my dad.........😄
So my question is can I run the Engl with 4CM........AND tap out a feed to the wedge with the cab sim to provide either a stereo or wet/dry rig? Has any one tried this?

Here is my proposed connection path
Guitar to 11r
11r fx send to Engl input ( with all front end amp fx)
Engl fx send to 11R return

Now if I can then just 11r output to Wedge perfect but I doubt I will get anything from the Engl then as the signal has not 'returned' to the power amp so.......

Set output 1(Left) to amp input stage and run this BACK into the fx loop return of the Engl

So I've run the signal back to the 11R and then straight back out again to complete the loop, essentially 4CM without the post gain fx.

Switch the 11R amp sim to bypass but keep the Cab sim active

THEN......set the Output 2(Right) to Full Rig right into the wedge......

So I should have
My Engl with all my pre gain fx ( wah, phaser,flanger, comp and od pedals)
But no speaker sim and no reverbs or delays
And my powered wedge with everything
Pre gain fx, Engl preamp, cab sim, and post gain fx ( reverbs,delays and choruses etc)

I'm getting the wedge tomorrow hopefully and I'll let you all know how I get on, if any ones interested I'll post a few pics etc and do a gear tour of how it all goes together if it works.