Some guy has come up with a 11R Control Panel sql which works in Cubase. I have it and it does work. I don't know if it works in other DAW's but worth checking out for non Pro Tools users.
It is a full graphic Control panel which shows all the devices in 11R at once but it does control everything.
Can be found in Cubase/11R forum somewhere (I forgot where I found it :-) )
11R,TC G Major, JMP-1, Mesa 50/50, Fender De Ville,Laney L5,Marshall AVT 50, 3 Gibson Les Pauls, Fender Strat and Precision Deluxe, Ibanez Prestige and JS, ESP Horizon FRII, GT-10, ME-50, RP-21, Cubase 5.1, BFD2 Drums,UA Twin Finity, KSM 32,SM-57