Hello fellow 11 rackers! Thought I'd share my most recent tone improvement experience.
So, I have long wondered whether it was worth the extra $$$$ for high end guitar cables. Several years ago I purchased a Monster Cable during a Musicians Friend, sale mainly because of their lifetime guarantee and it was the most I spent on a cable (I think it was around $40). From a tone perspective I really did not see any significantly noticeable difference, but the build quality was exceptional and I am still using it without a single issue.
So, I read an article recently on guitar cables and again it got me wondering (translation GAS!). Being a real cheap ass when it comes to the 'nuts and bolts' (yeah can't understand that either
you'd think I would have learnt by now
) accessories I baulked at the cost again. Since I can wield a soldering iron and google is my friend
I figured I should be able to find some high end cable and build my own.
So I came across this website:
http://www.zenproaudio.com/ and they sell Mogami cable in bulk for 46 cents a foot..well Allllrigghty now!!
So I ended up buying 2o feet of cable and Neutrik Gold connectors to make up two 10 foot cables for less then $50! I put the cables together and tried them out this weekend,
Did not expect it, but what can I say I am a believer!! There is a very noticable extra clarity and zing there that is not present with the Monster cable.
For those of you who fancy giving this a go the cable can be got here:http://www.zenproaudio.com/mogami-bulk-cable.aspx
and the connectors here:
http://www.zenproaudio.com/neutrik-connectors.aspxBest $$ I spent on gear that made a real difference in a while!
If I get my act together over the next few days (i.e find time in my crazy work schedule) I will try and post comparison clips.